
WoW: Warlords of Draenor - Quest Preview

Here we will look at some of the quests from Warlords of Draenor. Keep in mind these quests will likely change significantly before release and are not final. There is a good chance the quests are much further along in internal builds.

In addition to the quests below, there are also quest categories for the Circle of Blood, Shadowmoon Overlook, Spires of Arak, Teluuna Observatory, and Tanaan Jungle, but they all contain very few quests.

Warlords of Draenor also uses Treasure and Rare Spawn system that was added with Timeless Isle. For example, Frostfire Ridge has 33 rare spawns and 41 treasures in the zone, compared to the 33 rare spawns and 10 treasures on timeless isle. There are even a few group quests in some zones.

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Each zone has a set of story quests, along with side quests and bonus objectives that are more optional.

Assault on the Dark Portal

These quests are part of the Warlords of Draenor intro experience.

Front of the Portal
•Gul'dan will ask you for freedom, which you ignore. (The Dark Portal)
•You plant your mana bomb but it doesn't work. (Onslaught's End)
•Khadgar concedes and you kill felbreakers to free Gul'dan. (Gul'dan's Prison)
•A noble NPC leads the distraction sacrifice troops while you and Khadgar escape 'round back. (The Cost of War)
Into the Jungle
•A dying prisoner explains the rituals. (Nothing But... Berserker Fuel)
•Kill collect from orcs in jungle, with goal to destroy the altar. (The Bleeding Altar)

The Altar
•You destroy the altar. (Altar Altercation)
•Kilrogg and his orcs come out of the jungle and are furious. (Altar Altercation)
•Khadgar uses magic to shield you while you run across the bridge. (The Chase is On)

Training Grounds
•After crossing the bridge, one of your friends blows up the bridge on a suicide mission. (The Chase is On)
•Prisoners are being slaughtered in the pit, and Drek'Thar and Ga'nar are forced to listen. (The Gladiator Warlord)
•The player causes trouble, which makes Kargath come out, and you leave. (To Even the Odds)

Prison Bunker
•Once inside the cave, the door/cave closes behind you. (Into the Cave)
•You kill guards here, and free prisoners.
•Ner'zhul is here, and he chases you out of the cave.
Quarry and Forge
•Prisoners are being forced to work here. Blackhand and Ner'zhul are here.
•You gather materials for an explosive, and continue freeing prisoners.
•Big battle where prisoners buy you time so you can set the bomb at the dam. (Hot Dam!)
•The bomb explodes and the whole place floods.

The Battlefield
•You see the remains of the army that bought your escape: they're all dead.
•Orcs begin to charge, so you hop into a siege weapon and use it to mow down orcs in a shooting gallery.
•You eventually use the weapon to blow up the portal.
•Grommash himself starts to chase you.

The Chase
•Grom and his army are chasing you.
•Everything is exploding.

The Escape
•You get on a ship and sail off to your first REAL zone. (Out of the Fire, Into the Frost)

Important Quest Lines
•The Plight of the Worgen: In Shadowmoon Valley, Tess Greymane works to find a cure for an illness that has stricken some of her people, including the king.
•Gul'dan shows up at least three times in the expansion. The first time is when the player frees him so that the Dark Portal will lose power. After that, both the Horde and the Alliance (Series 1 / Series 2) try to capture him. His fate after that isn't yet clear.
•The Alliance attacks the Shadow Council in Talador in an attempt to destroy them: The Hero We Need
•The Battle For Shattrath (Alliance) / (Horde): Later in Talador, both the Horde and the Alliance battle the Iron Horde for control of Shattrath. The Alliance quest's text implies that the two factions are working together in this battle against the Iron Horde.
•6.0 Invasion Opt-Out and 6.0 Invasion: Opted Out may be related to the events before the Warlords of Draenor Release.

Garrison Quests

Along with the previously mentioned attacks on your garrison, there will be a garrison campaign and some smaller quests for you to do.

Garrison Support
•Garrison Invasion! - Your garrison is under attack! Use this magic device to get back there and defend it!
•Thunderlord Invasion - Our scouts have spotted Thunderlord amassing outside your garrison. We believe they mean to invade!
•Looking for Help - Quests to get blueprints for the mine, garden, and fishing shack.
•You bring a ring, slippers, hat, and staff to Chromie to help someone that was time traveling and got stuck.
•You help look for Anchorite Dolruu, a powerful Anchorite. Along the way you discover his mother was Revaan, an eredar.

Garrison Campaign
•Seismic Matters - You are sent to your garrison to investigate shaking of the earth. You find that the Iron Horde is using Dark Iron technology and use a Prototype Mole Machine to go and see Thaelin Darkanvil,   who was kidnapped by the Iron Horde. Thaelin has you help him send his Mole Machines back to his workshop in Gorgrond, sabotage the tanks he was forced to build for the Iron Horde, and recover his notebook before leaving.

•Independent Contractor - You are sent to Gazlowe to investigate a noise in Thunder Pass. Upon arrival, you find that it is a large drill, so you assist Gazlowe in sabotaging it. Gazlowe notices that most of the technology is basic, except for one piece of the drill. You protect him as he investigates and learn that Thaelin Darkanvil is behind the technology. After helping him escape, you help Gazlowe take out Overlord Blackhammer to collect the SI:7 bounty on his head, and then use some rocket chickens to return to your garrison.
•The Totems That Bind - You are sent to kill Borgal Doomfist - Chieftain of the Bloodmaul

•A Threat We Can't Ignore - You are sent to destroy a Supply Depot and some battleships that are docked in the Gorgrond harbor, as the Iron Horde here are a threat to Shadowmoon Valley.

•Final Preparations - You plant some bombs and destroy the battleship and damage the fortress and towers.

•Crows In The Field - Thisalee Crow has spotted an Iron Horde caravan carrying weapons and research equipment leaving the harbor in Gorgrond. You are sent to ambush them and gather their supplies. The  caravan also was carrying Blackhand's orders to retrieve whatever was in the Belcher Cauldron and bring it to Blackrock Foundry.

• The Descent - You are sent to investigate the Belcher Cauldron in Gorgrond, as the Iron Horde are interested in whatever is in it. It is possible that the Saberon are there as well. You make a narrow escape and  return the heart to your Garrison in Frostfire Ridge.


