
How to do for scenario achievments

Firstly, you will need to download and install it. Then head into the game and just type in /oq, or hit the little oQ button you'll notice hovering around your minimap.
It works using your battletag, so don't be alarmed by suddenly receiving lots of friend requests, it will delete them again for you too, unless you choose to add them yourself. There is a checkbox at the bottom to only show premades you are qualified for: there are often premades with item level requirements, as you can see above.

As long as you meet the requirements, all you need to do is hit the "wait list" button. If it was successful, it will then change to a "pending" button, as you can see above. Then, just wait! And you can, of course, also create your own premade, using the "Create Premade" tab and inputting the details. It's all very straightforward, and it's not yet taken me longer than five minutes to find a premade for a heroic scenario.


