
WoW: Summary of Game Director Tom Chilton Interview

•One of the most significant changes to WoW in recent years has been the opening up of different content types to more players.
•Grommash is now a character who is uniting the orc clans and taking on a quest to conquer the world
•Raiding in Warlords will be more than just orcs - the first raid zone is ogres.
•Tom thinks WoW will make it to 20 years - as long as there are players asking for more content there will be more content made.
•The next expansion is already in progress
•The expansion following that (8.0) is a choice between a couple of options, they have six or seven different ideas for future ones that could be used in part. There's at least 10 years more content.
•Response to the beta has been satisfactory - as the builds become more complete players can see the developers' vision better.
•Warlords is certainly trying to bring back lapsed players and make things easier for new players
•WoW's demographic has become a lot older, and therefore more casual, so the game has to adapt
•Tom's personal highlight would probably be the original development of the talent system
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WoW Suffers DDoS Attack, Bomb Threat Issued to SOE

A collection of ne'er–do–wellers that go by the name of Lizard Squad inflicted significant denial of service attacks to large online gaming networks over the weekend. These attacks brought to a halt World of Warcraft and the entire Battle.net system, PSN, League of Legends, and Path of Exile. Service to all networks has so far been restored.

The group also took things to a new level by issuing a bomb threat to Sony Online Entertainment's President John Smedley flight to San Diego. This, of course, triggers an FBI response and brings things to a whole new level of national security -- Sony is now not commenting any more due to the high level of the crime. Several people have said that claiming "national security" is an overreaction, however if this group really did manage to get an explosive device on to the executive's plane, then it means there are major holes in airport security.

It's likely that this group of script kiddies just didn't realize how incredibly dumb it is to make such a threat, and will soon find themselves facing terrorism charges, with the DDoS charges just an after thought.

One thing to keep in mind; your data in Blizzard's servers was never in any jeopardy. A DDoS attack is like turning on a thousand faucets in your bathtub all at once and watching the tub's drain not be able to handle the extra water flow. The tub is fine (as is your data), it's just completely useless until the faucets get turned off. If you want to buy WoW items, don't hesitate to click here to find the best site!



Warcraft Wallpaper and Art Updates

Blizzard has just updated its costume and fan art galleries with a handful of new photos from various artists. The costumes are pretty clever, but my personal favorites have to be a really clever training dummy costume, and a checkered box that should be very familiar to anyone who has played on any of the beta servers over the years.

In addition to the costume and fan art galleries, there is a new community comic available in the comic gallery, as well as a new wallpaper featuring the Jade Forest rare, Martar the Not-So-Smart. And if that weren't enough, several new images of Mists of Pandaria concept art have also been added to the Blizzard art gallery. If you are looking for cheap WoW Gold, don't hesitate to visit here and find the best.



Warlords of Dreanor Beta Patch: Summary of Updates August 19th


•Character stats have been squished into smaller numbers that are easier to understand. It's important to understand that this is not a nerf as enemies' stats have been squished as well.
•A new row of talents has been added for level 100, and new Draenor Perks earned every other level from 92 to 98.
•Garrisons are a new feature available in Draenor, where you can build a base, recruit followers, and send them on missions.
•Balanced functionality of Agility, Strength and Intellect.
•New secondary stats: Bonus Armor, Multistrike, and Versatility.
•Hit and Expertise have been removed; they're no longer needed in order to reliably land attacks!
•The pacing of healing has been adjusted to allow for more tactical decision-making regarding efficiency and throughput, on both single-target and multi-target heals. Passive and auto-targeted healing have been reduced in effectiveness in order to emphasize the actions and choices of healers.
•Racial traits have been rebalanced so that all races have similar combat performance.
•All classes have had several abilities pruned, with a focus on redundant and less-used abilities to cut down on button and keybind bloat.
•Amount of crowd-control in the game (primarily PvP) has been drastically reduced. Many crowd-control abilities have been removed, and many diminishing returns categories have been merged together.
•Several common buffs and debuffs have been merged, or removed, where they were redundant.
•All characters now learn some important Major Glyphs automatically as they level up.
•Toned down the amount of instant healing in the game by giving cast times to several instant cast heals.
•For Tanks, Vengeance has been redesigned and renamed Resolve.
•Resolve does not increase outgoing damage, but does now increases tank self-healing and absorption based on damage taken.
•Facing requirements (character positioning) on some prominent abilities have been loosened or removed.
•Reduced Mana cost of Resurrection spells to make it a little easier to recover from a wipe.
•Professions no longer have combat benefit perks tied to them.
•A multitude of class-specific changes, things like improved distinction between different Talent specializations, and new Masteries. Consult the official site for more detailed information.

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WoD Beta: Play with the Blues August 21st

For those in the Warlords of Draenor beta, this coming Thursday you'll have the opportunity to potentially test directly with some Blizzard Blues. From 3:00 to 5:00 pm PDT on Thursday, August 21, members of Blizzard's Development team, Community team, Quality Assurance, and Customer Service will be available on both the PvP and PvE level 100 premade realms to test 3v3 Arena matches and 5-person dungeon groups. Depending on faction, you'll be able to identify Blizzard representatives by their guild tag: <Blizzard Horde> or <Blizzard Alliance>. The event will be a great way to test out some dungeons and arenas while mingling with both your fellow WoW players and creators.

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Warlords of Dreanor: New World Map Preview

WoW: Warlords of Dreanor recently released a new world map, and we can see a new area which is Warlords of Dreanor appears in the map, below is the new World map preview:

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WoW Subscription Costs Increasing

This November For UK Region, Subscription prices for Blizzard's MMORPG on the rise in the UK.

The cost of subscribing to Blizzard's MMORPG World of Warcraft will rise for the UK region when the Warlords of Draenor expansion launches on November 13.

The announcement was made on the World of Warcraft forums for the Europe region by Blizzard community manager Taepsilum. According to the post, the recommended retail pricing of the subscription periods will be increased to £9.99 for 30 days, £28.17 for 90 days, and £52.14 for 180 days. The 60-day prepaid time card will have a RRP of £20.99.

At present, subscription pricing stands at £8.99 for 30 days, £25.17 for 90 days, and £46.14 for 180 days. This marks increases of up to £6 when the changes hit in November.

However, Blizzard also announced that World of Warcraft subscribers who are currently on a recurring subscription will be able to retain their current subscription price for two years, as long as the subscription is not interrupted. This will extend to players who sign up for the auto-renewing subscriptions before the Warlords of Draenor expansion is released. Taepsilum also stated that Blizzard will be reminding players of the price increase two months before the changes will occur. This is the best site for you to buy WoW items.


WoD: Kargath Bladefist Character Page Added

Blizzard has added a new page to their Characters of Warcraft lore section on the official site, just in time for the launch of Lords of War. This time, the focus is on Kargath Bladefist, Warlord of the Shattered Hand and the first orc to be featured in the new web series. Along with a little summary of just who Kargath is, there's a little background on the Shattered Hand as well -- not just their origins, but how they operate on Draenor today.

In addition, there's a cool new wallpaper featuring Kargath doing what he does best and slaughtering an ogre in an arena. It's entirely likely we'll see new warlords added with each new episode of Lords of War -- although I'm still holding out for a page featuring Maraad, or Kargath, or even Yrel. Check out the page for more information on Bladefist and his clan -- and keep your eyes peeled for more from the lore team as preparation for the expansion's release continues. It is quite easy for you to buy WoW items from this professional site.


WoW: Warlords of Draenor to be released November 13th

The release date for World of Warcraft's fifth expansion, Warlords of Draenor, has been revealed: Thursday, November 13, 2014. You now have three more months to enjoy the splendors of Pandaria and prepare for the savagery of Draenor.

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Blizzard Released Tills from Upcoming Cinematic

Blizzard has released another still from their upcoming Warlords of Draenor cinematic trailer. Like yesterday's release, it features Grommash Hellscream, but this time we're up close and personal. This is one ominous-looking orc. It also seems like there are some sorts of rockets or artillery going off behind him--tools of the Iron Horde?

Below is the previously-released image:

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WoW Introduces Social Fish

Fishing has always been a niche activity in World of Warcraft -- the few who fish love it and everyone else finds it loathsome at best. However, over the years, fishing has been given access to some truly unique items and/or adventures: the hunt for Mr. Pinchy, fishing up sea monsters, and totally rad fishing pole models, for example. Now Warlords of Draenor will be introducing social fish -- fish that can be used to buff fellow anglers, and fish that can label a fellow player's general demeanor for all to see. Via Wowhead and El's Anglin, Warlords introduces:

■"Fragrant" Pheromone Fish Coat a friend with Fish Pheromones, increasing their Fishing by 100 for 5 min.

■Awesomefish Use on a player to debuff them with "Awesome! Someone thinks you are awesome!"

■Grieferfish Use on a player to debuff them with "Griefer. Oh dear."

■Tyfish Use on a player to debuff them with "Thank you! You did a nice thing for someone. :)"

According to El's Anglin, Awesomefish and Tyfish are more common than the Grieferfish and the Fragrant Pheromone Fish. All can be caught in Draenor's open waters except for, it seems, Frostfire Ridge. While the Pheromones only last 5 minutes, the debuff applied by the other fish last a full 24 hours.
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Robin Williams to Be Memorialized In World of Warcaft

Everyone is talking about the passing of the great comedian Robin Williams, and while it certainly is sad for those of us who grew up loving his TV and movie work, we're also celebrating his legacy and learning a lot about his life. For instance, did you know that Williams was an avid video gamer who spent quite a bit of time in World of Warcraft under an anonymous name?

One fan did and thought that a great way to remember Williams would be to add him into World of Warcraft as an NPC. Thus he started a Change.org petition earlier today to do just that. With over 10,000 signatures added since then, the movement apparently caught the attention of Blizzard. "An amazing development has just happened," the petition author added in an update. "Celestalon has seen the petition and has been quoted as saying, 'We're taking care of it.'"

Robin Williams is being memorialized in other MMOs as well. One player took the above screenshot from APB, noting how a fellow gamer created and uploaded the in-game poster as a tribute to the man.
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Artcraft Shows off Male and Female Trolls

The latest edition of Artcraft is upon us, this time bringing us updated male and female troll models. Though this Artcarft is somewhat scarcer on the model details -- though it does talk about how the troll's tusks are a particular challenge -- it makes up for it by packing in two new new character models.

Though Senior Art Director Chris Robinson comments that "showing both genders together gives you a more cohesive visual story," male and female trolls still have significantly different looks, with the males hunched forward while the females stand upright. Still, like with all the updated models, this refresh gives them a lot of extra detail and character. Check out the original post at official site to get the full details. By the way, you can easily buy WoW items at this professional site.


Black Market Auction House and WoD

As you might know already the BMAH (Black Market Auction House) will leave the Tavern in the Mists at the Veiled Stair from Pandaria and Madam Goya will move to Draenor.

In Warlords of Draenor the old BMAH will close down and the new one will be available in Nagrand right next to the new Ring of Blood. Everything will work the same way, but a few more items are going to be added to the BMAH. We also saw some new additions to the BMAH as you can see in the screenshot below, and perculia reported that we’ll see the pre-Cataclysm ZG mounts, ToT pets and maybe some new transmog items as well.


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The fact that the Black Market changed its location is a good thing, since most of the people will wonder the Draenor and it will be a pain to get back to Pandaria only to check the listed items. As for the items, a lot of new things can be added. Maybe we’ll see even some rare mount drops from MoP.


The Gaze of the Black Prince Returns

After weeks of Heart of the Valorous, the Gaze of the Black Prince buff will be returning for a two week period. Beginning Thursday, August 14 at 10:00 a.m. PDT and running through Tuesday, August 26 at 9:00 a.m. PDT, Gaze of the Black Prince will increase all reputation gained with Wrathion, the Black Prince, by 100%. The buff will also increase the droprate of all items necessary for the legendary cloak quests. If you're short on Secrets of the Empire, Sigils of Wisdom, Sigils of Power, or Titan Runestones, make sure you get your playtime in.

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Warcraft Mounts – Fansite Profile

There are hundreds of different mounts to acquire in WoW and Warcraft Mounts provides a comprehensive searchable database of all of them. When you visit the site, you’ll notice that you can look at subsets of the entire list by taking the various links along the left side of the page:

Alliance -- All of the mounts in the game that are available to your Alliance characters.

Horde -- Every mount in the game that is available to your Horde characters.

Single Character -- All of the mounts in the game that can be obtained by a single character, by various means such as class or PvP achievement, and can only be ridden by that character.

Loot & Questing -- Mounts that can all be obtained via either questing or looting something specific as ordered by the level that your character must be to obtain the mount.

Achievement Rewards -- To get any of these mounts, you’ll have to complete challenging Achievements.

Crafted / Profession -- All of the mounts available to characters via Alchemy, Archaeology, Engineering, Fishing, Jewelcrafting, and Tailoring.

World Events -- Each of the holiday mounts on one handy page.

TCG & Promotional -- A look at all of the mounts available for purchase in the Blizzard Store, as well as those rewarded by Collector’s Editions, BlizzCon exclusives, Recruit-A-Friend, and the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game.

PvP Rewards -- All of the mounts you can earn via player-vs-player gameplay.

Argent Tournament -- There are so many mounts to be earned at the Argent Tournament that they have their own listing.

Coming in Warlords of Draenor! -- A regularly updated listing of all the mounts that may be available with the Warlords of Draenor expansion.

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Warlords of Dreanor Zone Preview: Spires of Arak

We have another zone preview, guys. This time Blizzard is previewing the Spires of Arak, a zone that has no analogue in Outland, an entirely new zone for players to explore. We'll get to see the arakkoa, both the cursed ones we're familiar with from Outland and their kinfolk with the ability to fly and a freaking laser beam.

"In The Burning Crusade, the arakkoa of Skettis had pretty much fallen entirely into evil, but in Warlords of Draenor we see them at a crossroads. They're outcasts, hated and oppressed by the flying arakkoa who are torching their villages with an enormous beam weapon fixed atop Skyreach. To make matters worse, the Shattered Hand orcs have begun expanding into the region, killing anyone in their path. These arakkoa outcasts are caught between several enemies, and they really have nobody on their side before you show up.

Over the course of the zone, you're helping this shady resistance group of cursed arakkoa to make their final stand. You're learning about the curse they bear, the ancient gods of their land, and the very real threat posed by the Adherents of Rukhmar, the ruling caste of zealous arakkoa in Skyreach."

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WoW Celebrates Its 10 Years Anniversary in November with A New Special Corgi Pet, 40-Man Raid

World of Warcraft turns 10 years old later this year, and Blizzard plans on making the anniversary a special one for longtime players.Remarkably, considering its continued success, World of Warcraft will celebrate its 10-year anniversary this November, having originally launched on November 23, 2004. To celebrate, Blizzard will be hosting a special in-game event and giving away a new pet.

Whether you're interested in PvP or PvE content, there will be at least one thing for you to do during the event. PvE players at the level cap will be able to take part in a special 40-player Raid Finder version of the Molten Core raid. Completing the raid will get you a Core Hound mount and an accompanying achievement.

PvP players can relive the old Horde-versus-Alliance battles that used to take place around Tarren Mill and Southshore, where I can fondly remember being killed countless times. Blizzard will offer a "team deathmatch-style" Battleground that is "based on that timeless struggle." Being a proper Battleground, there will actually be a victor determined this time around, whereas those old battles never really ended.

Finally, by logging in during the anniversary event, you'll be able to get yourself the adorable Molten Corgi pictured to the right.

A date for when the event will run has not been announced. Blizzard describes this all as a "quick preview," so it's possible we haven't heard about everything it will offer. We do know it's not the only new content coming to WoW this year, as the game's next expansion pack, Warlords of Draenor, is scheduled for release this fall. Blizzard plans on unveiling the expansion's cinematic video and release date at a special event next week.

As of June 30, WoW had 6.8 million subscribers, according to publisher Activision Blizzard. That's a significant drop from where it was three months earlier, but it's still a huge figure and one likely to increase when Warlords of Draenor is released.
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Skyreach – Dungeon Preview

Skyreach is the first dungeon I manage to test successfully in Beta realms without disconnects and major problems.

This dungeon looks amazing. The arakkoa architecture is really one of a kind, with plenty of details and bright colors that will make you stop from time to time just to look around.

The run was made on Normal difficulty with a premade level 100 character and no addons. The trash packs were pretty easy to handle and since this was a short dungeon, we haven’t see too much trash around.

Before the last boss there is “path of wind” you must follow but I didn’t understand the reason behind it. I guess there is something unfinished there.

The fist boss was pretty simple. You just have to avoid the charge ad the things on the ground and you are safe. The second one is all about healing and catching some beams. The third the all-out boss, where you just have to nuke (that’s how we did it anyway).
The last boss on the other hand is pretty cool. Basically you have to avoid the fire on the ground, kill the shield generating robot and kill the birds that will throw you off the platform (similar to Lich King fight for the ones who remember).

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Artcraft Focuses on Updating Facial Customization

One of the hot button topics when talking about the new character models is faces. Many players worry that when the customization comes in, their characters won't feel like their characters anymore. Blizzard has now released a new Artcraft discussing exactly how they're planning on dealing with that issue. The original post in the official site is as follows:

"Our next big focus is doing justice to the facial options. With the original models and their simplistic geometry and low-resolution textures, a lot of facial expressions were simply painted on. Now that we've moved to higher-polygon models with lips, teeth, and fully articulated faces-not to mention higher-resolution textures-recreating those same facial options isn't as simple as painting them onto a flat surface. Previously, to get a sneer out of a model, you'd just paint a sneer on its face, and that was that. To do it correctly now-and make it look great-we have to fully pose a sneer, create a custom texture, and mesh that base pose with all of the existing emotes and animations."

So it's still a work in progress, but take heart in the knowledge that Blizzard abandoned their original plan, which was to release the new faces before customization was completed. "Our initial idea was to release the new models with their base face, and then add additional options in updates over the course of the expansion." That would have been a huge mistake, in my opinion. People would likely have been very unhappy with the uncertainty of knowing whether or not they'd get the face they identified with.

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WoD : Beta Patch Notes for July 29th

Here is the summary of all changes in the latest patch notes for July 29th.
•Character stats have been squished into smaller numbers that are easier to understand. It's important to understand that this is not a nerf as enemies have been squished as well.
•A new row of talents has been added for level 100, and new Draenor Perks from levels 91 to 99.
•The Garrison is a new feature available in Draenor, where you can build a base, recruit followers, and send them on missions.
•Balanced functionality of Agility, Strength and Intellect.
•New secondary stats: Bonus Armor, Multistrike, and Readiness.
•Hit and Expertise have been removed; they're no longer needed in order to reliably land attacks!
•The pace of healing has been adjusted to allow for more tactical decision-making regarding efficiency and throughput, on both single-target and multi-target heals. Passive and auto-targeted healing have been reduced in effectiveness in order to emphasize the actions and choices of healers.
•Racial traits have been rebalanced so that all races have similar combat performance.
•All classes have had several abilities pruned, with a focus on redundant and less-used abilities, to cut down on button and keybind bloat.
•The amount of crowd control in the game (primarily PvP) has been drastically reduced. Many crowd-control abilities have been removed, and many diminishing returns categories are now merged together.
•Several common buffs and debuffs have been merged, or removed, where they were redundant.
•All characters now learn a few important Major Glyphs automatically as they level up.
•The amount of instant healing in the game has been toned down by giving cast times to several instant cast heals.
•Vengeance has been redesigned and renamed Resolve. Resolve does not increase outgoing damage, but does now  increase tank self-healing and absorption based on damage taken.
•Facing requirements (character position) on some prominent abilities have been loosened or removed.
•The mana cost of Resurrection spells has been reduced to make it a little easier to recover from a wipe.
•Professions no longer have combat benefit perks tied to them.
•There are a multitude of class-specific changes, including things like improved distinction between different Talent specializations, and new Masteries. Consult the class-specific sections below for more information.

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WoD : Talador Beta Preview

Talador is an area where old Burning Crusade players will see how Shattrath City, Auchindoun and their surroundings really looked like. You can not compare the feel of Terokkar Forest with the Talador one, but if you remember that area you’ll see some similarities in Talador.

This is the hope of Draenei and most of the area is filled with their architecture. The colors are vibrant and most of the area looks peaceful when you fist step into Talador, but while you advance with your quests and exploration you’ll notice that Iron Horde “affected” this area a lot. For example, Shattrath City is under Iron Horde control.

Questing here will open up a few more perks for your Garrison and, story-wise, you’ll be able to find out more about the Iron Horde plans. The position of Talador, right in the middle of Draenor, makes this a very strategic area for the Iron Horde. Maybe this is why they are bringing to many troops here, what do you think?
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WoD: Recruit Nat Pagle for Your Garrison

The folks over at El's Extreme Anglin' have provided a comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to obtain legendary fisherman Nat Pagle as a follower for your garrison in Warlords of Draenor. Over the years Nat Pagle has become somewhat of a beloved figure in World of Warcraft, and has been the focus of numerous fishing quests -- some obscure, some mundane. In Warlords, you're going to have to have him as a follower if you want a shot at fishing up the rarest and most difficult fish in the expansion: Lunkers.

To get Nat, you'll first have to unlock the garrison Fishing Shack, which becomes available at level 96. From their, your garrison fishing vendor will send you on a quest to catch a specific type of fish from a specific place. Once you turn that in you'll get a quest to go find Nat Pagle, and from there begins his recruitment questline. Once you complete all his requirements -- to fish up various Lunkers throughout Draenor using special bait -- you'll be rewarded with Nat as a level 100 rare-quality garrison follower. You'll also be able to start catching Lunkers throughout Draenor without using bait. No word yet on what Lunkers do, but my guess is that they'll be required for certain high-level cooking recipes, so devoted raiders or guild suppliers probably want to make sure to schmooze Nat into their garrisons! Happy fishing!
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Log into Before September 30, Claim Your Horde Chopper

The Azeroth Choppers webseries ended as most expected. In a battle of faction pride, the Horde is going to come out on top every time. Of course, it probably didn't help that the Alliance bike looked like some kind of gross beetle, but that discussion is probably best left in the past. As the winners, the Horde will receive their faction-themed bike come Warlords of Draenor. However, a stipulation was announced last night: to flag your account to receive the mount, you must log into the game between now and September 30, 2014.


For the sake of clarity: you can claim your mount right now (and need to do so before September 30) but you won't receive it until Warlords of Draenor's launch.

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WoD: Beta Raid Testing For July 28th

Raid testing for Warlords of Draenor will continue on July 28th with two new scheduled encounters, according to a post made by Lead Game Designer Ion "Watcher" Hazzikostas. As with last week's testing, both encounters will be on Heroic difficulty, allowing players to bring a group of anywhere from 10-30 people in order to test the content. To get in the raid, speak to Nexus-Lord Donjon Rade, who is now also located in Dalaran, Shattrath, and both factions Vale Shrines, as well as Stormwind, Orgrimmar, and your garrison.

Oregorger from Heroic Blackrock Foundry will begin at approximately 10:30AM PDT, and the Twin Ogron encounter from Heroic Highmaul will begin at approximately 4pm PDT. Characters that participate in testing will have their effective level scaled to 100 for the purposes of testing, so no need to worry about gear or level. Keep in mind that testing periods are subject to change at any time -- so if you're interested in testing, keep a eye on the official forum thread for any updates. You can easily buy WoW items at this professional site.



Garrisons to Allow for Weapon Enchant Transmog

Starting in Warlords of Draenor, you'll be able to change your weapon enchantments or hide them entirely via the Enchanter Building in your Garrison. This is really nothing but great news for those of us obsessed with transmog. Read the Jonathan LeCraft’s twitter on July 24th: @HideEnchants Jonathan LeCraft update the twitter” Enchanter garrison building allows you to trade WoD enchants for the same effect with a different visual (including none).

There's no indication on how much this will cost, and LeCraft said a "maybe" when asked if Death Knight runes will be included in this feature.
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Upcoming Warlords Beta Build Opens Two New Zones, Increases Level

The beta forums are abuzz with discussion of an upcoming beta build -- the servers are down for maintenance this afternoon. Two new zones, Nagrand and Spires of Arak, will be open for testing, and the level cap is increasing to 100. The leveling portion of the beta is moving along at a steady clip now. Though there are still many major bugs with fixes in progress, nearly every leveling zone will now be open for testing.

In addition, the new beta build will be renaming beta realms for clarity. They will lose their unique names, and instead be given names that are simple descriptors. 
■Lost Isles (PvE) is being renamed to Beta Leveling Realm 01
■Gilneas (PvP) is being renamed to Beta Leveling Realm 02
■Mekkatorque (PvP) is being renamed to Level 100 PvP

While these clear descriptions are far more useful than their old names, I'll miss having the ability to personify Lost Isles. Cursing its name aloud each time it crashed was cathartic. Screaming Beta Leveling Realm 01 to the heavens doesn't quite have the same effect.
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Why Grimoire of Sacrifice Has Been Removed?

Blizzard says something to explain the reason why they remove the Grimoire of Sacrifice, and here is the original post:

We were unsatisfied with Grimoire of Sacrifice for Demonology. Fundamentally, it did not fit Demonology's theme to sacrifice their pet, full time. We had toyed with ideas where it acted as a temporary cooldown for Demonology, but have decided to replace it with a new talent, which is more theme-appropriate, and fits well against the competition in that talent row.

■Grimoire of Sacrifice is no longer available to Demonology Warlocks and has a new talent, Grimoire of Synergy in its place.
■Grimoire of Synergy: When the Warlock or their demon deals damage, there is a chance to trigger Demonic Synergy, granting the other one 15% increased damage for 15 seconds.
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Iron Skyreaver 40% Off Only for This Week

Forged by the brutal hand of the Iron Horde and tempered by hatred, the Iron Skyreaver is a fearsome blend of beast and machine. This twin-headed terror dominates the sky and strikes fear into any foe who dares challenge it. Take the reins of one of these monstrosities for 40% off this week only, but beware—the Skyreaver suffers only the most formidable masters to ride it. If you're willing to spend $15.00 USD, you can get a taste of Iron Horde aesthetics in advance of Warlords of Draenor. Go ahead! By the way, you are able to buy WoW items from this site.



Warlords of Draenor: Beta Patch Notes Updates for July 22nd

Here are the summary of the changes:

•Character stats have been squished into smaller numbers that are easier to understand. It's important to understand that this is not a nerf as enemies have been squished as well.

•A new row of talents has been added for level 100, and new Draenor Perks from levels 91 to 99.

•The Garrison is a new feature available in Draenor, where you can build a base, recruit followers, and send them on missions.

•Balanced functionality of Agility, Strength and Intellect.

•New secondary stats: Bonus Armor, Multistrike, and Readiness.

•Hit and Expertise have been removed; they're no longer needed in order to reliably land attacks!

•The pace of healing has been adjusted to allow for more tactical decision-making regarding efficiency and throughput, on both single-target and multi-target heals. Passive and auto-targeted healing have been reduced in effectiveness in order to emphasize the actions and choices of healers.

•Racial traits have been rebalanced so that all races have similar combat performance.

•All classes have had several abilities pruned, with a focus on redundant and less-used abilities, to cut down on button and keybind bloat.

•The amount of crowd control in the game (primarily PvP) has been drastically reduced. Many crowd-control abilities have been removed, and many diminishing returns categories are now merged together.

•Several common buffs and debuffs have been merged, or removed, where they were redundant.

•All characters now learn a few important Major Glyphs automatically as they level up.

•The amount of instant healing in the game has been toned down by giving cast times to several instant cast heals.

•Vengeance has been redesigned and renamed Resolve. Resolve does not increase outgoing damage, but does now  increase tank self-healing and absorption based on damage taken.

•Facing requirements (character position) on some prominent abilities have been loosened or removed.

•The mana cost of Resurrection spells has been reduced to make it a little easier to recover from a wipe.

•Professions no longer have combat benefit perks tied to them.

•There are a multitude of class-specific changes, including things like improved distinction between different Talent specializations, and new Masteries.

Consult the class-specific sections on the official site.
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Frostfire Ridge WoD Beta Preview

Right after finishing the event from Tanaan Jungle, horde players will reach Frostfire Ridge (the alliance players will go to Shadowmoon Valley).

The environment is pretty harsh here. The area is filled with snow, ice and volcanic rocks. The structures are mostly Ogers made but with a big influence from the Iron Horde. Even if this area looks so hostile this is where the horde players will establish their Garrison.

The quests are well spread around this big area and if you follow the quest line you’ll encounter some notable horde figures. Basically players will have to advance into this hostile territory and take or retake as many structures as they can.

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World of Warcraft Earns Over 1 Billion Every Year

According to statistics from SuperData Research, World of Warcraft still dominates the MMO market with 36% market share. The game raked in just over a billion dollars in revenue in 2013, putting it well ahead of its nearest competition -- $253 million for NCSoft's 1998 title Lineage. The ranking of top subscription titles suggests that MMOs need staying power -- WoW is nearly 10 years old and Lineage is 16 -- and a strong Asian presence -- the top 3 are all big titles in Asia -- to sustain them over the long haul.

However, even though WoW continues to pull in strong subscription numbers, the industry has seen the subscription model declining sharply while microtransaction revenue has been on an upswing. With both a healthy subscriber base and its own microtransaction strategy, WoW seems prepared to succeed no matter which direction the industry goes. However, the overall subscription trend begs the question: will we ever see a free-to-play version of WoW? Blizzard has said no, and with subscription stats like this we can see why. Want to buy WoW items? Well, Head over to this site!


WoD: Raid Testing Begin on July 21st

Lead Game Designer Ion "Watcher" Hazzikostas has announced that the Warlords of Draenor beta will begin raid testing tomorrow with two Heroic encounters -- one from Highmaul, and one from Blackrock Foundry. As a Heroic level encounter, the raid will accommodate anywhere between 10 and 30 players. Players that wish to test the encounter can speak to Nexus-Lord Donjon Rade in either Stormwind, Orgrimmar, or their garrisons, once the encounters are open for testing.

The Butcher from Heroic Highmaul will be available for testing beginning at 1:30pm PDT, and Gruul from Heroic Blackrock Foundry will be available beginning at 4pm PDT. Please note that testing periods are subject to change at any time -- if you're interested in testing, keep an eye on the official thread in case any changes are made to times or dates. You have already found the perfect place to buy WoW items.


Warlords of Draenor: Beasts of a Savage Land

Zone previews have become an expected and anticipated facet of the news surrounding Warlords of Draenor, and now mob previews are being added to that mix. The first of them highlights some fearsome new creatures--some familiar, some not--that are to be found in Shadowmoon Valley. The hulking, rocky-skinned Riverbeasts are reminiscent of hippopotamuses, with their square snouts, pillar-like feet, and bad attitude. Podlings are creepy-cute evil flowers that will forever haunt my nightmares, and of course, the elekk should be familiar to anyone who's ever played a draenei--though these new models are definitely a step up in intimidation. Draenor ancients are tree-based forest guardians, the draenic equivalents of the treants we all know and love.

The zone previews have been some of the most ideal promotional items for Warlords of Draenor, because they give you just enough information to let your imagination fill in the gaps. This mini-beastiary adds a few more set pieces to the landscape of Draenor, and we hope hope that some versions of these mobs are rare spawns that drop loot or at least bragging rights for the intrepid players who bring them down. We will see more from other zones in the future. By the way, it will be wise of you to buy WoW items here.



Mysterious Portal Appears in Stormwind in WoD

The latest beta build for Warlords of Draenor brought with it an odd anomaly with no explanation as of yet. A mysterious portal has appeared behind the mage tower in Stormwind City, one that bears a striking resemblance to every Emerald Dream portal we've ever seen present in game. At this time, there are no NPCs or anything present to indicate exactly what's up with the portal, however there is no Orgrimmar counterpart -- this is unique to Stormwind.

There's a few possibilities here. The most obvious is that this is somehow related to the Stormwind repairs mentioned last month on Twitter by Cory Stockton. After all, if you're going to fix a park, druid intervention sounds like a good plan, right? The other option is that this is somehow related to Draenor -- and those wild vines have the look of some of the savage greenery found on Draenor, while the tents have the same purple color as used by some of the orc clans. This seems sort of unlikely at this point, largely because there is no Orgrimmar counterpart.

While we don't know what exactly the portal is for, it's still cool to see additions and changes being made to Azeroth right alongside all the gorgeous new vistas and scenery we're checking out on Draenor. We'll have to wait and see what kind of NPC's pop up around the portal, or how exactly it's implemented as more beta builds are released. But for now, those hoping that this might be some sign of a future full-out Emerald Dream expansion -- I wouldn't hold your breath. You have click here to buy WoW items from this best site.


Warlord of Draenor Bata Patch Notes Update July 17th

Battle.net updates the Bata Patch Notes on July 17th, and make clear that the players should take a note that the Beta patch notes are preliminary and not final. Here are the summary of the changes:

•Character stats have been squished into smaller numbers that are easier to understand. It's important to understand that this is not a nerf as enemies have been squished as well.

•A new row of talents has been added for level 100, and new Draenor Perks from levels 91 to 99.

•The Garrison is a new feature available in Draenor, where you can build a base, recruit followers, and send them on missions.

•Balanced functionality of Agility, Strength and Intellect.

•New secondary stats: Bonus Armor, Multistrike, and Readiness.

•Hit and Expertise have been removed; they're no longer needed in order to reliably land attacks!

•The pace of healing has been adjusted to allow for more tactical decision-making regarding efficiency and throughput, on both single-target and multi-target heals. Passive and auto-targeted healing have been reduced in effectiveness in order to emphasize the actions and choices of healers.

•Racial traits have been rebalanced so that all races have similar combat performance.

•All classes have had several abilities pruned, with a focus on redundant and less-used abilities, to cut down on button and keybind bloat.

•The amount of crowd control in the game (primarily PvP) has been drastically reduced. Many crowd-control abilities have been removed, and many diminishing returns categories are now merged together.

•Several common buffs and debuffs have been merged, or removed, where they were redundant.

•All characters now learn a few important Major Glyphs automatically as they level up.

•The amount of instant healing in the game has been toned down by giving cast times to several instant cast heals.

•Vengeance has been redesigned and renamed Resolve. Resolve does not increase outgoing damage, but does now increase tank self-healing and absorption based on damage taken.

•Facing requirements (character position) on some prominent abilities have been loosened or removed.

•The mana cost of Resurrection spells has been reduced to make it a little easier to recover from a wipe.

•Professions no longer have combat benefit perks tied to them.

•There are a multitude of class-specific changes, including things like improved distinction between different Talent specializations, and new Masteries.

Consult the class-specific sections at on Battle.net for more information.

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Warlords of Draenor: Talador Preview

The Warlords of Draenor zone previews continue with Talador, the heart of the draenei civilization on Draenor. Associate Quest Designer Johnny Cash provides an overview of what promises to be a stunning zone. Talador is the original, pre-Burning Crusade version of Terokkar Forest, a lush, forested zone home to both Shattrath City and the sacred Auchindoun. In Warlords, we'll see Shattrath and Auchindoun in their full glory, along with other draenei outposts such as Tuurem and Telmor, however all is not well. Shattrath is under occupation by the Iron Horde, and it will be the player's job -- along with allies, of course -- to liberate the city. Similarly, Auchindoun is being threatened by the brutal Teron'gor (you may know him better as Teron Gorefiend, the very first death knight), as well as being threatened by demons from the Burning Front. Players will fight alongside Exarch Maladaar, leader of the Auchenai, and Lady Liadrin in defending the draenei's sacred mausoleum.

In addition, Talador will provide players with a choice between building an Arcane Sanctum or an Arsenal for their garrison outpost. Each will provide a means of support for the player--either an arcane orb that zaps enemies who get too close, or artillery strikes from mounted arsenal cannons. Furthermore, Talador holds plenty of secrets, like rumors of mythical Arakkoa, who have left their shadowy, ancestral homes in the Spires of Arak for reasons we can only guess at.

Talador is the zone I'm probably looking forward to the most, because Terokkar was my favorite zone in The Burning Crusade. I can't wait to see Shattrath and Auchindoun the way they were meant to be seen, and to fight alongside great heroes of the draenei in order to protect these precious cities. I'm sure Talador holds many exciting adventures for us denizens of Azeroth, and I look forward to experiencing them. For more information, visit the official site.
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WoD: Gorgrond Preview

Fresh on the heels of today's Talador preview, we get a look at Gorgrond, forbidding home of the Iron Horde's industrial machine. Gorgrond is the next step for fighting back Iron Horde aggression -- after you've fought them off in Shadowmoon Valley or Frostfire Ridge, it's time to take the battle to them, and Gorgrond is exactly where you're going to do just that. Smash them Iron Horde. Smash them good.

But they won't just sit back and take it. In Gorgrond you'll come face to face with some of the most powerful and destructive weapons the savage world of Draenor had to challenge you with.

After withstanding the Iron Horde's initial assault, you'll make your way into Gorgrond with a handful of allies to try to discover the Blackrock orcs' intentions and find a way to thwart any plans the Iron Horde may have. It's a perilous recon mission. Gorgrond is a land of giants embroiled in an epic struggle between creation and destruction. It's the kind of place you avoid unless you have a death wish.

If there's one thing I know about players, it's that they can't resist going someplace conce they've been told not to go there. It's like candy to them. I expect we'll all flood to Gorgrond as soon as we possibly can. I for one welcome our new Iron Horde victims, and everything else in the zone that gets in the way, too.
You can get the detailed information on the official site. By the way, it is a wise of you to buy WoW items at this professional site.


WoD: Ashran Preview

The zone preview train keeps chugging along. First we had Talador, Gorgrond followed, and now we're given a look at Ashran. This site is your first choice to buy WoW items.

Built upon the remnants of an ogre civilization, Ashran looks deceptively like a nice enough island just off the coast of Tanaan Jungle. And it probably would be a lovely place to visit if not for the never-ending tug-of-war between the Horde and Alliance taking place in the central region of the zone. Then again, this might just be just your kind of excursion.

In Ashran, the Horde and the Alliance continue their long tradition of ruining everything they touch. Though home to the new faction hubs, Ashran is primarily a PVP zone with "world PVP" in mind -- though it maintains the essential elements of a battleground. Objectives are based around a tug-of-war, though it involves pushing rather than pulling. Each faction pushes down a lane toward the opposing faction's base, capturing points along the way. A powerful Ogre King awaits players at the central hub, aiding whichever faction can prove their might. A faction with dwindling resources will spawn NPC captains to aid them, some of which are named for known PVP personalities in the community.

Beyond the battleground elements, Ashran also has several other points of interest that will aid their faction's efforts and provide currently unspecified rewards. The zone preview also explains there are numerous personal goals littered throughout the island, encouraging players to venture out and find them -- luring more players into potential PVP conflict. Head over to the official site to read the detailed infortmation if you are interested.


Jumping Puzzles Abound

Here we will talk something about jumping puzzles. Well, I guess you could call those really annoying spots in Blackfathom Deeps and Wailing Caverns "jumping puzzles" but really, they're just jumps. So far three separate jumping puzzles have been spotted in Draenor. You'll find them at the Circle of Blood, the waterfall at Moonwillow Peak in Shadowmoon Valley, and the eastern end of Daggermaw Ravine. According to Wowhead, Circle of Blood is the easiest of the three, and Daggermaw Ravine the most difficult. All have rewards awaiting the intrepid jumping populace, be it a rare spawn with rare loot or a treasure chest of goodies.

The presence of jumping puzzles in the game brings the question of player flying capabilities to the forefront once more. We already know we won't be able to fly in Draenor at release, but it's been speculated that flying will be added into the game after a certain point. However, player flying renders challenges such as jumping puzzles completely obsolete. Why would you bother when you can just drop in from above? Of course, that doesn't mean that Blizzard will never allow flying in Draenor--content isn't designed to be new indefinitely. However, it does make me feel like perhaps our grounding in Draenor is meant to be more permanent than initially expected. In addition to this, you can easily buy WoW items here.



WoW: About Battle Pet Abilities with Damage Variance

The designer Celestalon posted in the forum to explain the battle pet abilities with damage variance. You can read the original post below.

For battle pet abilities with damage variance, here is an example of how it works:

Let's say your ability inflicts 200 to 440. The average would be 320.

We calculate our roll size as (400 - 220) / 2 = 120.

We then roll 120 three times and take the highest value. Our rolls are 14, 56, and 101, so we take 101. This is to give more noticable results and keep us away from the average.

Now we determine if the roll is added to or subtracted from the average.

Your base chance for a positive result is 50%.

If your hit is above 100%, your chance for a positive result is 50% + (Hit - 100) (EDIT: Fixed this formula). So, you always get a positive result at 150% hit and higher.

Critical strikes are ALWAYS positive.

A positive result would be 320 + 101 = 421

A critical strike would be (320 + 101) * 1.5 = 631

Otherwise the result would be 320 - 101 = 219

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US Connected Realms update for July 15th

Another update to the Realm Connection list has been made, with realms scheduled to be connected on the 17th and 24th of July. As is always the case, these connections will take place on Thursdays, and are scheduled to occur between 5:00 AM PDT and 1:00 PM PDT.

This month's scheduled realm connections are:

■Thursday, July 17th
      ◦Dawnbringer and Madoran
      ◦Zuluhed and Andorhal, Scilla, and Ursin

■Thursday, July 24th
      ◦Deathwing and Executus, Kalecgos, and Shattered Halls
      ◦Gilneas and Elune

Also on the list but not scheduled yet are Malfurion and Trollbane, and The Venture Co and Maelstrom. This is the best place for WoW enthusiasts to buy WoW items.



The Gaze of the Black Prince Returns

Beginning tomorrow, Tuesday July 15th, at 9:00 am PDT, the Gaze of the Black Prince buff will reappear on live servers. This game-wide buff increases reputation gains with The Black Prince by 100%, and increases your chance to earn Sigils of Wisdom, Sigils of Power, Secrets of the Empire, and Titan Runestones. The buff will last two weeks and end at 9:00 am PDT on July 29th. If you've got a toon working on that legendary cloak questline, you just might be able to push through and finish it up in the next two weeks.

Make sure to check out Anne Stickney's guide to getting that fancy orange piece of gear if you're feeling stuck or overwhelmed, there are some great tips there for using your time as efficiently as possible. For those of you aiming to get your legendary cloak--be it your first or fifth--good luck, and may the Gaze of the Black Prince help you out. We strongly recommend you buy WoW items from this best site.


Gorgrond and Talador Coming Soon to Warlords Beta

World of Warcraft Creative Director Alex Afrasiabi confirmed today on Twitter that Gorgrond and Talador are "on deck" with the Spires of Arak and Nagrand close behind. Currently, only the Tanaan Jungle introductory sequence, Frostfire Ridge, and Shadowmoon Valley are available for testing. Whether or not "on deck" means in the next build, we aren't sure, but we do hope it will be soon.

From what we know of these zones, the Blade's Edge Mountains of Outland were formed when Gorgrond and Frostfire Ridge collided in the shattering of Draenor.  The twitter contents suggest that part of what became Outland's Zangarmarsh is on the outskirts of Gorgrond. Talador is a central zone in Draenor and is known to us as Outland's Terokkar Forest. Talador includes Shattrath and Auchindoun. We suspect we can expect a distinct orcish flavor in Gorgrond and Draenic in Talador. If you want to buy WoW items, then head over to this perfect site to find some.


Warlords of Draenor: You Can Ride the Hound

The latest beta build of Warlords brought with it several new Battle Pets as well as the mount pictured above. Yes, that is a Core Hound, and yes, you will be able to ride it by obtaining the Core Hound Chain. Although it's not directly stated where this mount will be obtained on the mount tab, it's safe to say we'll likely see it dropping in the newly-revamped Upper Blackrock Spire. After all, what's Blackrock Spire without The Beast?

In addition to the Core Hound mount, several Ravager Wasp battle pets were added, along with a Runtish Gronnling, and a pet named Sky-bo that appears to be a miniature version of the Sky Golem mount. At the moment, there's no indication whether Sky-bo is an engineer crafted pet. To check out 3D models of the new Core Hound mount, as well as other new items added to the beta, head over to Wowhead. You are welcome to buying WoW items here.



WoD : Tanaan Jungle Beta Preview

Tanaan Jungle is the area around the Dark Portal, making this the first zone both Alliance and Horde players will step into when going to Draenor.

The events and the quests introduce you the new enemies: the Iron Horde. There are also a few cut-scenes that will help you understand what’s going on behind this new Dark Portal.

For the players who decide to boost a character to level 90, the quests from this area will unlock the abilities for you and will introduce you to your class making you understand it a bit better.

Even if this place is small, you’ll be constantly on a run saving whatever you can along the way and escaping to Shadowmoon Valley, as an Alliance player, or Frostfire Ridge, as Horde. It is quite wise of you to buy WoW items from our professional site.


Draenei Male New Model Artcraft Preview

The Draenei Male Model is hardly a new appearance, having been in the beta for several builds we're relatively familiar with his new face, body, and animations. But until now, we haven't known much about the thinking behind the model's revamp, and Artcraft is here to change that. It is quite easy for you to buy WoW items at our site.

If you're interested in seeing the models, you can head on over to the official site and take a look for yourself.
